Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This will be short and sweet. I just need to write down what a friend just told me and my thoughts concerning the matter. This friend pointed out during a conversation a point at which I began rambling on and on without ever saying anything...a rather frequent occurrence these days. He told me I'm trying to be too diplomatic. He guessed that I knew what I wanted to say I was just thinking too much about how to say it.
The truth is that I had already identified over-thinking as a probable component to my meaning-less chattering. I just had no idea which part of my speech I was analyzing before I spoke. But I edit what I'm thinking and it comes out not making much sense at all.
This goes hand in hand with another problem I have. I like to make people happy. So if I'm trying to talk and I want to make a person happy it is hard to say what I'm really thinking. Instead I dress it up with unrelated words and phrases so that I feel like I got my thoughts out in the world while leaving the other person so confused they definitely cannot be offended. It makes me feel like a contributing member of society.
So while analyzing the way I translate my thoughts into words I realized something very important that may only make sense to me. That is...

I'm happiest when I'm arguing.